Making sure that disability never translates to inability
A disabled child in a wheelchair being cared by a care worker

Our Company

Healthy Homes LLC is a multi-state network of comprehensive support services for people living with various intellectual, physical, and developmental disabilities. Established in 2015, we were founded to provide superior service to the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) and support individuals with disabilities by creating an inclusive society. In the care we provide, we employ a person-centered approach which puts the needs of the people we assist at the center of every decision we make. Our services which specialize in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) and intellectual and developmental disabilities are made to cater to individuals of all ages.

Who We Serve

Our Clients

According to the statistic provided by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (DD Act), over 6 million individuals in the United States are affected by developmental disabilities. According to the DD Act, a person with a developmental disability has a severe and chronic disability that originated at the time of their birth or during their childhood, is expected to continue indefinitely or for the rest of their lives, and substantially restricts the individual’s ability to function and do accomplish various daily activities.

A chronic disability is something attributable to mental or physical impairment or a combination of both. These disabilities normally manifest before a person turns the age of 22. It affects and limits a person’s functionality which makes it difficult for them to perform activities of self-care, communication, learning, mobility, self-direction, independence, and economic sufficiency. A few examples of common developmental disabilities are Autism, behavior disorders, brain injury, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, intellectual disability, and spina bifida.

Because of these disabilities, individuals affected require comprehensive long-term services. These will allow them to become more active, productive, and independent members within society. Through treatment, their disabilities will not serve as a hindrance for them to contribute to society.

Why We Serve

Our Mission

“We build services that are responsive to the needs and goals of the people we support. Our mission is to foster and create real opportunities for individuals living with disability to live with independence, acceptance, and inclusion from the community. We support people as they learn and develop new skills and strive for personal growth and achievement, making life choices based on their own strengths, preferences, interests, and abilities.”

Our Vision

In our service, we envision a world where people with developmental disabilities can live meaningful lives where they are integrated into society and empowered by their abilities.

How We Serve

Our Core Values

  • People-Centered
    Here in Healthy Homes, we believe that all people experiencing intellectual and developmental disabilities should never be defined by their disabilities. Beyond their disabilities are individuals with value, talent, and abilities that are enough to prove that disability is not inability.
  • Equitable
    Healthy Homes believes that individuals experiencing intellectual and developmental disabilities deserve the same respect, equality, safety, and security as accorded to all other members within society. The presence of disability will never lessen the value of individuals.
  • Community-Oriented
    Healthy Homes believes that despite intellectual and developmental disabilities, an individual should belong to the community. Disabilities do not define a person’s entitlement to moral, civil, and constitutional rights. As such, it is important to make a society that is more inclusive for them to actively participate in.
  • Encouraging
    We believe that everyone, including those with intellectual and development, with enough support and resources, is capable of making decisions about their own lives. As such, we make our services encouraging so that we may empower those with disabilities to successfully integrate and become productive members of society.
  • Diverse
    We understand the different needs that every individual under our care may require. As such, we make sure that our services are enough to provide for these varying needs. With our diverse services, we hope to make society more inclusive for everyone experiencing physical and intellectual disabilities.

    “We all want the same basic things out of life: a decent and comfortable place to call ‘home’, something meaningful to do during the day, some close friends with whom to share the good times and from whom we receive support in difficult times, and the opportunity to make our own decisions about things that will affect our personal lives. People with disabilities want these same basic things and are increasingly speaking up for themselves about what they want. And staff, family and State agency professionals are beginning to really listen.” – Susan L. Babin, 1995

If you are interested in being part of our team, we are always open to caring and passionate individuals who wish to make life better for individuals living with disabilities. Start a career with us today!