Assisting individuals to make living with disability easier
Young woman with cerebral palsy in college class

Our Adult Developmental Home services place persons living with disabilities in a residential setting with a licensed caregiver providing 24-hour care and supervision. In a Developmental Home, patients live with three other individuals with developmental disabilities so that they will not be isolated. The Developmental Homes are safe so that individuals with disabilities, medical conditions, or behavioral issues to live comfortably. With the assistance of our caregiver, we make sure that our client’s needs are always addressed. 

Caregivers providing service and supervision are well-trained in dealing with individuals with disabilities in a compassionate, caring, and understanding way. They deeply understand the needs and condition of those with conditions, as such, they are equipped with providing individuals with disabilities with the appropriate care they need. With the assistance they provide, the caregivers are doing their best to make our clients comfortable despite their disability. 

If you have additional inquiries regarding our HBA Service, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be sure to entertain your questions.