Speech therapy services focus on enabling an individual to become an effective communicator. With various therapy exercises, speech therapy tries to address issues that a person may have in communication, swallowing, etc. In the process of speech therapy, a therapist first provides evaluation, treatment, and consultation regarding a patient’s condition.
Speech therapists deal with speech disorders in individuals of varying ages. They try to see whether the disorder is congenital or developmental, and they also diagnose these by a person’s speech, voice, resonance, fluency, phonology, and communication.
Included in the specific areas assessed by speech therapists are:
- Expressive Language
- Receptive Language
- Articulation (Sound Production)
- Social Skills
- Oral Motor Skills
- Feeding Therapy
- Voice Disorders
- Fluency Disorders
- Phonemic Awareness
- Cognitive Training
If you have any suggestions on how to improve our services, don’t hesitate to contact us. We appreciate any help to make our service better.