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Benim de cevabım şu: "Mustafa Kemal'in yöntemi uygulanacak". Mustafa Kemal'in istihbaratçısı Milis Yüzbaşı İpsiz Recep Reis'in torunu. Milis Yüzbaşı İpsiz Recep Reis. Neyin doğru olduğu artık önemli değil, yeter ki bu şantaj dayatmasını atalım üstümüzden." KUTU: İPSİZ RECEP'İN TORUNUYUM - Biz sizi uluslararası ilişkiler uzmanı Emin Gürses olarak tanıyoruz, ama siz kimsiniz? MİT'e mi çalışıyorsunuz, Genelkurmay'a mı, Emniyet'e mi, başka bir örgüte mi; siz niye tehdit alıyorsunuz? Benim dedem Mustafa Kemal'in istihbaratçısı Menzil kumandam Milis Yüzbaşı Recep Reis'ti. Mustafa Kemal'e çalışıyordu, biz de Mustafa Kemal'e çalışıyoruz. Sizin o dedikleriniz maaşlı çalışır. Yani görev kabul etmiş, yapacak. Bizimkiler Mustafa Kemal'in gönüllüleridir. KUTU: VELİ KÜÇÜK İSMİ, HEDEF ŞAŞIRTMAK İÇİN KULLANILIYOR - "Milliyetçi devlet anlayışı kendisini korumak için suçu dış mihrakların üzerine atıyor. KUTU: İPSİZ RECEP'İN TORUNUYUM - Biz sizi uluslararası ilişkiler uzmanı Emin Gürses olarak tanıyoruz, ama siz kimsiniz? Ama şiddet kültürü bugün sadece belli bir kesimde yok, bütün topluma yayıldı. Veli paşa 20 kişiyle beraber gözaltına almışlar diye bi haber yayıldı ama doğruîayamadık henüz nedir? Ama hapse kondu. Hapiste de az kaldı öldürülüyordu, son anda fark edildi de kurtarıldı.
And in school days following, I wandered the school yard speaking to myself Koenig's monologue as he drifted through space in Act 4. "Ninety-seven munutes of life. And then no oxygen. Hallucination. A slow and peaceful drift through dream to real eternity. Or just nothing. The ultimate negative. Poison and pain. And yet more pain. Until nothing. This body a piece perhaps for some future archaeologist to fit into a historical puzzle. John Koenig from planet Earth. Ninth and last Commander of Moonbase Alpha." That monologue, somber, depressing, as it was, impressed me sufficiently for me to invoke it in one of those lonely recesses on the pavement of Park Street School. And he makes mistakes." ACT FOUR KOENIG: "By being primitive. More unlikable changes have been visited upon casino vale my old habitat, as the craziness of Canada as it is currently being governed, encroaches more and more upon the more traditionally minded parts of the country.
Okay. Maybe some promotional materials out of ITC used the Lieutenant designation. Image of the ITC Entertainment promotional booklet for Space: 1999- Season 2. The booklet was distributed to television stations in the U.S. Front cover to the booklet to the 1982 Space: 1999 convention in Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A., at which Barry Morse spoke at length. I was sympathetic with him when he was telling of the death of his mother. Videos that were pieced together with selected scenes of episodes put in rapid succession to misrepresent second season as being all this or all that. I am also aware of the preservation of Alpha apparently by a "cosmic intelligence" and the Alphans rejoicing after a miraculous reunion, happening in "Black Sun" on October 29, whilst my friend, Michael, called me on the telephone to invite me to visit with him in Douglastown, on Remembrance Day weekend, the weekend on which "Dragon's Domain" with a blend of first and second season Space: 1999, was the episode telecast on CBC.And oh, yes. DOCTOR WHO- THE COLLECTION's second and final offering for 2024 is the expected Season 25 set (yawn!). Such would be needed for there to be a fiftieth anniversary Blu-Ray set. Ah, but there is hope of a deluxe fiftieth anniversary Blu-Ray release of Space: 1999, that could incorporate all of the alternate edits, Jeffrey Morris' Eagle documentary, and more. Ah, but Jerry Beck's opinion will prevail. After a long list of denunciations of the changes, changes that were required for Lew Grade to green-light a second season, ringed by Fred Freiberger, and remembrances of what he judged to be ludricous meetings of him with the new Space: 1999 producer, Mr. And I expect that television broadcasters south of the U.S./Canadian border were not much further along in their penetration of the second season. At first, I thought I had died and was in heaven. And I had not yet been reached-out-to by any youngsters on our new street. The misplaced footage in second act, of the Ultra Probeship shown already docked to the spaceship bearing the monster, has been superseded by correct depictions of the "spaceship graveyard" as seen by the Ultra Probeship. Which is Witch", whose original theatrical title card is shown here, was telecast in an edited form in the 1990s. The contents of LOONEY TUNES COLLECTOR'S CHOICE VOLUME 4 continue to be unknown. It could be that the curators are in negotiation with powers-that-be at Warner Brothers to release one or two of the less politically correct cartoons. "A-Lad-in His Lamp", maybe. Or "Tom Tom Tomcat". Or "Horse Hare". I would actually be satisfied with an edited "Horse Hare" or "Which is Witch" if that is the only way that those Bugs Bunny cartoons can see release. Both "Horse Hare" and "Which is Witch" were on television in the 1990s in an edited form, the most objectionable scenes removed. But I expect that my opinion would not prevail. I doubt that it would even be considered. Most cartoon fans would prefer to go without those cartoons than have them edited. The organisers of the big Space: 1999 event this month continue to add guests to the roster. This will I suppose be the most significant Space: 1999 convention ever with regard to persons of importance attending, and the revelation of previously unseen-by-fans footage. It is such a pity that I am at unending cross-purposes with the Space: 1999 fan movement. Its leaders. Its rank and file. But the fault is on their side of the divide. The anti-Season 2 brigade is more formidable, more insufferable, than ever. I cannot count the number of people professing to have loved second season in their youth, now agreeing with the bellicose detractors of everything from "The Metamorph" to "The Dorcons". There is no consensus to embrace all positive points of view. Only one point of view "rules the roost". Coopt it or "get out". It always was that way, I think, but never has been more overt than it is now. But I continue to follow the news about the convention and will report that news to my readers who are interested. The guests will include Catherine Schell, Nick Tate, Clifton Jones, Anton Phillips, Julian Glover and his wife, Isla Blair, Paul Jerricho, Jack Klaff, John Hug, Jess Conrad, Gianni Garko, Carla Romanelli, Orso Maria Guerrini, Ina Skriver, Brian Johnson, John Goldsmith, Quentin Pierre, Jack McKenzie, Loftus Burton, and Pam Rose. Apologies to anyone I "left out", if indeed any of them are readers of this Weblog. I have never before seen so many Space: 1999 people listed to be in attendance at a convention. American conventions can boast having had Martin Landau, Barbara Bain, and Barry Morse as their guests, but for sheer number of people this one has the American conventiions "beat". My kudos do go to the organisers for this. Of course. It is just such a shame that the lion's share of Space: 1999 fans are such awful people. I tried not to paint everyone with the same brush. Hence the words, lion's share. There are exceptions to every rule. My first impulse, I have to admit, was to be all-inclusive in the designation of awful people. I cannot watch an episode of Season 2 now without anticipating an attack levelled at any ambiguity in the writing. I was watching "New Adam New Eve" last week, and I heard the nasty voices of those people in my head, or saw the nasty typewritten words of them in my mind's eye. Berating the episode for this, that, or the other thing. As I have done before for "A Matter of Balance" and "Seed of Destruction", envisioning scene extensions or one or more added scenes, to answer to the sniping of the haters of "the Freiberger season", I now do for "New Adam New Eve". ACT THREE VERDESCHI: "Did you see that?
And while I am on the subject of cartoons released to home video media, I have some news on the LOONEY TUNES COLLECTOR'S CHOICE front. Some people are saying that there have been enough obscure "one-shot" cartoons in the en çok kazandıran slot oyunları COLLECTOR'S CHOICE range, and that the fourth volume ought to concentrate on the major characters. And the aliens whom the Commander and Dr. Russell encounter in a structure on the surface of an alien world, denounce the Alphans as a contaminating organism, saying that there is no place for them there or anywhere. Same goes for correcting docking scenes involving the Probeship, the alien spaceship, and Koenig's Eagle. A home video company out of Austria called Spirit Entertainment, seems to have acquired the assets of Network Distributing following the latter's liquidation. Nor was it ever released on videocassette, back in videocassette's day. The first such I ever experienced was that of Barry Morse at the 1982 Space: 1999 convention in Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.. I do not remember Carter ever being called Lieutenant at any time in Season 2. Starlog called Carter Lieutenant in Season 2, but we do know how unreliable that Starlog can be where Space: 1999 is concerned. He rails against being demoted from Captain to Lieutenant.
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